The Gift Of Time: The COVID19 Bonus And My Top Three Tips for Thriving

Today I would like to help everyone get into a positive state about the ‘certainty of change’ in the world right now. That’s right – while you may thing change is uncertain – what is certain is that life around the world will never be the same again. And while there is some terrible tragedies unfolding, there will also be great opportunities for all of us to do better.

Everything about the way we work and live and view the world is changing in a more dramatic way than most of us have seen in our lifetimes and it gives us a perfect opportunity to find our own true north amidst the shifting balance.

So regardless of whether you are in complete self-isolation or if you are like most of us laying low and limiting our exposure to the outside world; instead of getting frustrated I’d like you to think about the gift of time you’ve been given and how you might make the most of it.

The answer is not endless Netflix as tempting as that might be. Now is the time to think about what you do, where you are headed in life and put your body into a wellness zone. Here are my top three tips.


Try your hand at a bit of mindfulness. You can start from as little as 10 minutes and there are plenty of APPs out there to give you a start.

With mindfulness you are simply trying to be present in the moment, heighten your senses to the sounds, smells and feel of your environment. I like to sit quietly and listen to my breathing. When you have thoughts that interrupt you, you can make a mental note of them and let them pass and re-gain your focus on being present.

I find when I can sit quietly in the morning sun, I can really draw in the energy of the morning so my mindfulness exercise can be a real power boost as well.

With all this extra time – you need to make this a thing you NOW do.


A really simple way to start thinking about getting more focus in your life and where you are headed is to create a simple To Do and To Don’t list.

Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page and make two headings – To Do and To Don’t.

Under the To Do heading list all the things you’ve had rolling around inside your head that you’d like to do this year – they can be little or big things – exercise or holidays for example.

Under the To Don’t heading make a list of all the things that you don’t enjoy doing or don’t make you feel good.

When you have your list circle three things on each side that stand out as priorities.

Turn your page over and draw lines to create 6 boxes on your page. At the top of each box put each of your priorities from the previous page and then come up with one idea – as crazy or simple as you like for helping you achieve that goal.

Now there might be many steps you need to take to achieve your goals and the object of today is start somewhere. Now you have some things that might need research or a plan that you can do whilst you are on the inside.


Obviously staying well and keeping your immune levels up at this time is really important. So, here’s a few things not to lose sight of.

Go for a walk if you can and get some fresh air. If you truly can’t leave the house do some stretching each day or dig out the weights or skipping rope you’ve got hidden in the back of the cupboard and spend 10 minutes a day moving. You could even put Spotify on and get your dance moves grooving.  

Buy fresh fruit and vegetables whenever you can and don’t start to rely on pizzas and chips as your main food sources. Have some fun with your pantry food and pull out 5 items and see what you can make from them.

Wherever you are in the world its spring or autumn so have a de-cluttering day. Look at what you can sell, pass on or upcycle when everything is open again. Open yourself to letting go of things that no longer serve you and you will feel lighter.

Commit to Change

So, there you have it my top three tips for getting through the extra time most of us will inherit. Use your time wisely – like you would extra money and on the other side of this crisis you will be feeling great and have the start of a plan to really rock your life.

Click on the link below if you’d like a FREE Discovery Session to help you get on track for the next six months..


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Life Goals |Purpose

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